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(111/308) 950 - SFTP: No way to reinput wrong password

There is "Auth Fail" exception occurs if user specify invalid FTP password.
But there is now way to reenter the password because there is no connections dialog showed again.

Submitted voituk - 2008-02-03 18:35:46 Assigned ezust
Priority 5 Labels FTP
Status open Group
Resolution None


2008-02-18 10:35:53

Logged In: YES
Originator: YES

Implemented into version 0.9.4 (Rev: 11811)

2013-11-02 07:52:07

- **summary**: FTP: No way oto reinput wrong password --> SFTP: No way to reinput wrong password
- **assigned_to**: voituk --> ezust

2013-11-02 07:52:07

I see from 11811 that you fixed it for the FTP protocol. I never use that.
My issue is with the SFTP protocol.